Welcome John and Jackie from S2B

The Partnership is excited and proud to welcome our new colleagues John Oliver and Jackie Ikin, who have joined our WLF team through a merger with Solutions to Business.
John is a well-known Chartered Accountant who established Solutions to Business (S2B) in November 2000 and has continually been working with and supporting clients across all sectors right around Tasmania. Jackie joined S2B in June 2005 as Senior Accountant and has been instrumental in building and maintaining relationships with clients, while also overseeing the administrative functions of S2B.
Both John and Jackie have been working closely with us in the lead up to the merger of our two firms, which takes effect on Monday 3 July 2023. As a collective, we are committed to ensuring a smooth and transparent transition for clients. John and Jackie have relocated from the Salamanca office to 160 Collins Street but will remain as the initial contacts for clients from S2B.
Shared values and a commitment to Tasmanian businesses and families
WLF Partner and head of our Business and Personal Advisory division Douglas Thomson says John’s expertise and personal approach will be a valuable addition in his role as a Director.
“We have entered into this merger feeling confident that the values of our two firms align well.”
“WLF has always maintained a strong commitment to businesses and families across Tasmania and we are proud to play a role in helping our clients and our state move forward economically and socially. This will continue to be an important driver for our firm, and we know that the merger will enhance this.”
In addition to welcoming John and Jackie, we are also delighted to welcome their clients and very much look forward to working with them and continuing to support them in their financial goals.
If you have any questions, you can reach John by telephone at 6223 6155, or by emailing [email protected].
Again, welcome John and Jackie. It’s great to have you on board.