
Spreading some Christmas joy!

Posted on December 14th, 2023 by Jo Bailey

As our team at WLF commences Christmas celebrations, we’re also proud to be bringing some Christmas joy to others through our WLF social club’s annual giving drive.

This morning we enjoyed a delicious morning tea and festivities, and all staff were invited to donate a gift to go to the residents who live at Anglicare’s Trinity Hill.

Trinity Hill is one of a number of Youth2Independence residences managed by Anglicare Tasmania that provides housing to young people aged between 16 and 24 years. The young people who live here would otherwise be experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

In addition to apartment accommodation, Trinity Hill residents also receive support to build new skills, engage with and undertake training, study and employment, and build capabilities to help them thrive.

For many of us, donating a gift or some money may seem a simple gesture. However, we know that this can make a real difference to these young adults who may not be having the sort of celebration that most of our WLF team will enjoy this Christmas.

On behalf of the WLF Social Club and all staff, merry Christmas to everyone at Trinity Hill.

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Spreading some Christmas joy!

time to read: about 1 min