Community Partnership Program
UPDATE as at 30 May 2024 - Expressions of Interest are closed and our committee is reviewing these EOIs.
WLF Accounting & Advisory is a locally owned, independent Tasmanian firm with a long and proud history of supporting Tasmanian businesses, families and communities.
Our Partners and staff live and work here. We know what it means to be Tasmanian – the strengths, the challenges, and the importance of local connections.
For more than 130 years we have maintained a commitment to playing a role in moving Tasmania forward, economically, socially and culturally. We want to continue to build on this commitment and are proud to introduce our WLF Community Partnership Program, commencing in 2024.
What is our Community Partnership Program?
At WLF we understand that success looks different for every organisation. However, regardless of your key purpose we believe it is easier to achieve goals when you are supported by a team of professionals.
We have developed our Community Partnership Program to allow us to build a strong relationship with a Tasmanian charity and help support them as they deliver support to their clients and community.
Our Community Partnership Program will fund $15,000, split equally over two financial years, commencing from July 2024. We want the partnership to be more than just financial. We aim to:
- build a relationship that will be mutually beneficial to staff at our two organisations
- foster an environment where we can share opportunities and knowledge
- explore opportunities for our staff who wish to make voluntary contributions
- develop new connections and networks for our organisation and our people
- collaborate with a charity and, where relevant, help set them up for future success and sustainability
- make a difference in our community, as a firm and as a group of individuals
Who is the program open to?
The Community Partnership Program is open to charity / not-for-profit entities who are delivering community support and services.
Our preference is to support organisations who are working within our community and helping Tasmanians.
How can you apply?
Expressions of Interest for the WLF Community Partnership Program opened on Tuesday 9 April and closed on Monday 20 May 2024 at midnight.
We are delighted with the level of interest we received, and with the calibre of the organisations. Our committee is currently in the process of reviewing all EOIs. We will be in touch with all organisations who submitted and EOI to advise of the outcome, and we estimate this will be by mid-June 2024.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us and mention the Community Partnership Program.