The success of our Undergraduate Cadetship Program continues

Since our establishment in 1890 WLF Accounting & Advisory has been providing career opportunities for Tasmanians. In fact, our records dating back to 1928 show that over 760 Tasmanians have worked at our firm – and we know the number is substantially larger even though the earlier records are incomplete.
In 2006 we introduced an Undergraduate Cadetship Program. The program is open to Tasmanian year 12 students who have an enrolment in pre-tertiary accounting. Each year the successful applicant/s completes their TCE, enjoys some time off over summer and then commences work with us on a full-time basis in the new year.
Our cadets work full time while undertaking concurrent part-time study towards a Bachelor of Business (accounting major) at the University of Tasmania. We provide them with paid time off to attend lectures, tutorials, as well as study leave and time off for exams.
The Cadetship Program is the ideal way for people to launch and progress their career while in the process of completing their degree. And it also gives real life context to their university learning.
Much of the success of the program has been due to the continued support we receive from schools, principals, teachers and career advisors. Many schools welcome us into their Accounting class each year to meet with their students and answer questions about what an accounting career really looks like (not sitting all day doing tax returns!) So our school partnerships are crucial to the program, and much appreciated.
Our most recent Cadet is Fabian Natoli, who joined WLF in February this year after completing his education at The Hutchins School. We recently asked Fabian to provide some information about the program to budding Accountants currently in year 12 – you can hear his story and advice here.
Applications for our 2020 intake for the Undergraduate Cadetship Program are opening on Wednesday 4 September through our website and will remain open until Sunday 22 September (midnight). If you know a year 12 student who is keen to embark on an accounting career, please point them in our direction.