
Upcoming series for Not-For-Profits

Posted on August 21st, 2019 by Claire Thornett

Keep watch on our website and social media for our upcoming series especially for Not-For-Profit (NFP) entities. We’ll be covering topics like:

  • What to consider when just starting out in the NFP space
  • What are the next steps for an established NFP
  • The importance of budgets, finance functions and cash flows
  • What authorities need to be notified when changing board or committee members

  • The types of accounting software that you could be using and why you should consider a review of your financial processes
  • Best practice when onboarding employees including consideration of fringe benefits tax
  • GST health checks including director obligations & insurance
  • Board governance requirements, reporting & financial literacy

As each article goes live on our website we will be communicating through Facebook and LinkedIn, so follow these pages to get the early scoop.

Posted in News
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Upcoming series for Not-For-Profits

time to read: about 1 min