
Our Team

William Farmilo


Audit, Assurance & Advisory

William is an experienced auditor who is highly regarded by clients for his technical expertise along with his commitment to delivering quality service and solutions.

Working in both external and internal auditing, William’s knowledge spans a multitude of industries, including the community and not-for-profit sectors, education, state and local government, as well as private businesses, retail, banking and funds management.

William’s proficiency in treasury functions, liquidity management and compliance has seen him hold senior roles in external audits for leading Tasmanian businesses.  

Away from his work, William is a keen fisher and bushwalker who enjoys the opportunity to recharge in nature.

Key areas of expertise
  • External and internal audits
  • Business risk assessments
  • Process evaluation, including efficiency and effectiveness reviews
  • Strategic and compliance audit delivery
Professional Details
  • Bachelor of Business (University of Tasmania)
  • Member of the Chartered Accountants Australia & NZ

To contact William, phone (03) 6223 6155 or email [email protected]

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.