Our commitment to Tasmania
We are a locally owned, independent Tasmanian firm with a long history of supporting Tasmanian businesses and families.
Our Partners and staff live and work here. We know what it means to be Tasmanian – the benefits and the strengths, the challenges, the sense of pride, and the importance of local connections.
We are committed to playing a role in moving Tasmania forward, economically, socially and culturally.
Established in 1890 as Wise, Lord & Ferguson, all our Partners operate solely from Hobart, and service clients across Tasmania, nationally and overseas.
Championing local education and building capabilityOur Graduate Accountant Program hires a minimum of 4 Tasmanian University graduates each year. Our Undergraduate Cadetship Program is open to Tasmanian year 12 students, providing full-time employment and paid leave for study and exams. In 2023 we introduced a new Bookkeeper Cadetship Program, providing full and part time employment for TasTAFE graduates. We provide a comprehensive professional development program for staff, including Chartered Accountants qualification, plus leadership and management training through a local business.
In 2024 we recruited 13 university graduates, 3 undergraduate cadets and 2 bookkeeper cadets. |
Furthering Tasmania's economic prosperityA contract with WLF supports approximately 90 full-time Tasmanian jobs. We never offshore our work. Wherever possible we purchase local goods and services, including office supplies, technology, cleaning, marketing services, graphic design and other support functions. |
Making a difference in our communityIn 2023-24 our firm:Provided support to more than 70 Tasmanian not-for-profit organisations. Contributed over 220 hours of pro bono work to not-for-profit organisations. Contributed over 7300 hours of discounted work to support not-for-profit organisations. Introduced a new Community Partnership Program to provide collaborative support and $15,000 funding to a local not-for-profit organisation over a two-year period. We are incredibly proud to be partnering with Square Pegs Dyslexia Support.
Our PartnersVolunteer on not-for-profit boards and committees, supporting improved governance and financial literacy for more than 15 organisations. Our StaffContribute to local charities through our Friday Fundraising program, providing multiple organisations each year with $1000 to assist their work at a grassroots level. Are encouraged to support local charities, and in 2024 we introduced a Volunteering Day providing all employees with a paid day off to donate their time and help make a difference to our community.
As locals, we know TasmaniaWe operate in the same business landscape, so we understand your context. We know the Tasmanian environment, the economy, and the way to do business. We are connected right around the state, through business and personal relationships. |
WLF Accounting & Advisory is a proud Tasmanian firm working to move our state forward.