
Our Team

James Day

James Day


Business & Personal Advisory

James works with business clients from a wide range of industries, including agricultural, professional services and the retail sector. He enjoys developing an ongoing relationship with his clients, guiding them through all stages of their business/investment cycle.

In addition to strong technical abilities and knowledge, James is known for his keen eye for details and client focused communication skills. These skills are also highly valued by James’ individual and family client base, where his work involves providing advice and managing taxation needs.

James has a focus on and great aptitude for technology. In addition to providing client advice and assistance for online accounting software, this interest also sees him playing an active role as a member of our firm’s IT committee.

James is currently undertaking his Chartered Accountant qualification.


Key areas of expertise
  • Business compliance, accounting, taxation and management advice across a broad range of industries
  • Business sales and purchases, including valuation calculations and capital gains tax concession advice
  • Financial budgeting and cashflow forecasting
  • Cloud based software advice and implementation
Professional Details
  • Bachelor of Business (University of Tasmania)
  • Provisional Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • Certified Xero Advisor

To contact James phone 03 6223 6155 or email [email protected]

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.