A great turnout for our MYOB Cloud Accounting Seminar

WLF recently partnered with MYOB to deliver a free seminar on MYOB Cloud Accounting solutions. We had great attendance, with a combination of existing clients, people interested to find out a bit more and a handful of accounting students from UTAS.
The seminar consisted of two sessions, the first of which provided an introduction to MYOB for those new to, or considering, accounting software. The second session offered advice, hints and tips for small and medium business wanting to gain a bigger advantage out of the software.
MYOB Senior Training Consultant Chris McCormack delivered both sessions, backed up by his colleagues from the Tasmanian team. And WLF’s Dannielle Cochrane provided some light relief with a game of ‘heads and tails’ after each session – a great result for our lucky prize winners.
We are committed to providing information for our clients that adds value to their business, and feel that seminars are a useful way of doing this. If there are any topics that you feel would be of interest for future seminars or workshops, contact us with your recommendations.