Mandatory Changes to User Log-in Process for Cloud Accounting Products

Over the coming months all users of cloud accounting products will be required to sign in using a two-step authentication process. As with most IT related processes there are many terms and acronyms which relate to the relatively similar process but vary depending upon the product you are using:
- Two-step authentication (2SA) – Xero
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) – MYOB
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – Quickbooks Online
The purpose of 2SA/2FA/MFA is to provide an extra level of security to your accounting software login. Step one of the login process will remain the same, requiring only your email address and password. The second step of the process will be an authentication code that is generated either by an app on your mobile device, sent to your email address or computer.
Xero is ensuring that this process is mandatory from Tuesday 11 December 2018 for users who log into Xero using GSuite or are a payroll administrator or subscriber of their software. For more information visit Xero – 2SA.
MYOB have also announced that they will ensure that their 2FA will become mandatory. Although a date has not been set for this, we would encourage you to be prepared for when the time occurs. For more information visit MYOB – 2FA.
Quickbooks Online have implemented their MFA already and therefore users of this platform may be familiar with the process. For more information visit QBO – MFA.
The WLF team have had a mandatory two-step authentication process for all the above cloud accounting products for over since July 2017 using either of the following authentication apps:
- Google Authenticator – for Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and BlackBerry devices (Google Accounts Help Centre)
- Authy – for iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac computers and Windows computers (Authy website)
- Windows Authenticator – for Windows Phones (Microsoft Store)
The process of setting up two-step authentication is relatively straightforward, however if you have any concerns please let your WLF accountant or bookkeeper know.
Chase McConnon
Director – Business & Personal Advisory