
Is it time for your cloud health check?

Posted on August 15th, 2018 by WLF

Ensure you’re getting the best from your Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks cloud file

At WLF Accounting & Advisory we are proud to be working closer than ever with our clients to ensure they are moving forward as the current age of technology and the cloud rapidly evolves. Our firm has a dedicated ‘cloud team’ which is made up of various staff members with a future focus towards the cloud and new technologies that affect our clients.

WLF Partner and member of the cloud team, Paul Lyons believes “the cloud is becoming a commonly referenced term, however we are noticing that whilst businesses are making the move across to this technology, they may not be harnessing its full potential.”

“There have been many changes made to accounting programs like Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks over the past couple of years, ranging from automation of processes, storage of records and artificial intelligence” continues Paul.  “Often we find there can be easy improvements, such as having bank feed coding memorisations set up correctly, which can save a business hours per week.”

This is where we are here to help. Our team has developed a new ‘health check’ product which we can use to review your business’s Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks file. The process involves an expert staff member reviewing your file and performing the health check and then a meeting with you to provide feedback on areas of improvement or opportunities.

“The aim is to improve your confidence and awareness of features of the program. We also look for increased efficiency to reduce the amount of time you are spending at the computer, when you could be working within your business, or spending more time with the family,” says cloud team member Jay Bowden.

If you think this could be something that would assist you, or you just want peace of mind from knowing that you are getting the most out of your cloud-based software, then please get in touch for a fixed price quote today*.

For those who are still using desk top based systems, this is the perfect time to make the move across and have us assist you through this process with training and support. For more information on cloud accounting check out our website.


Paul Lyons & Jay Bowden

* Our tax deductible fees for this service typically range from anywhere from $300 + GST through to $550 + GST depending on the size and complexity of your file. Any follow up actions such as further training or assistance would be separate.

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Is it time for your cloud health check?

time to read: about 2 min