
Danny McCarthy, Marg Marshall and Holly Wiggins recognised at CA ANZ awards

Posted on March 29th, 2023 by Jo Bailey

It was a night of celebration for WLF at the recent Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) dinner in Hobart, with three of our colleagues receiving awards and recognition.

Partner Marg Marshall was awarded for her 25 years’ service as a Chartered Accountant, recognising the significant contribution she has made, and continues to make, to the profession.

Holly Wiggins was awarded her Chartered Accountant qualification, having recently completed her CA.

The highlight of the evening was the conferral of a Meritorious Service Award, received by Danny McCarthy.

The Meritorious Service Award recognises Chartered Accountants for their outstanding contribution and professional achievements, including their dedicated voluntary efforts providing their time and skills giving back to the profession.

Danny joined the then Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) in 1980 after completing his professional accounting education with Financial Counselling Australia in 1978. In 1997 he advanced to a Fellowship of ICAA.

Danny also holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) from University of Tasmania, graduating in 1976.

A true leader of the accounting profession

Throughout Danny’s 39-year career – including his 28 years as a Partner of WLF – he has been a staunch advocate for Tasmanian members of the profession. Danny was elected to the Tasmanian Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australian from 2011, and served on the Council for 11 years. He also served on the CA ANZ Council for 3 years between 2019 and 2021.

His time on both Councils saw Danny regularly taking a lead in reminding fellow members and Councillors of how important it is for our Tasmanian accountants to have a strong voice within the Council governance structures.

As a proud Tasmanian, Danny has always championed our state on national matters, and remains committed to supporting local businesses, organisations and individuals.

Danny has continually played a key role in supporting and guiding colleagues, sharing his wealth of experience in auditing and financial consulting, and taking a role in mentoring future leaders as they build their own careers.

Danny is also know for his expert research, modelling, analysis and reviews, which have assisted both small and large Tasmanian organisations proactively address challenges and identify growth opportunities.

Danny is also a Registered Company Auditor, and a member of the Information Systems Auditors Association.

While Danny retired from the WLF Partnership at the end of 2022, we are delighted that we continue to have the benefit of his knowledge and dedication on a part time basis in his current role as a Consultant for our Audit, Assurance and Advisory Division.

On behalf of the Partners and WLF team, we extend our congratulations to Danny, Marg and Holly.

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Danny McCarthy, Marg Marshall and Holly Wiggins recognised at CA ANZ awards

time to read: about 2 min