
The firm moves from the original sandstone offices

Posted on July 11th, 1963 by Jo Bailey

Wise Lord & Ferguson moved from the original offices, in the AMP Building on of Elizabeth and Collins Street, Hobart.

The AMP Building was constructed in 1884 and had a sandstone facade and figurehead typical of Victorian-era architecture. A redevelopment in 1913 featured a striking sandstone arch as the entrance.The building was demolished in 1968 for construction of a modern office tower. The sandstone archway was donated to the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens and is still a popular feature today for family and wedding photographs.

Throughout the followed decades Wise Lord & Ferguson re-located a number of times. The address immediately following was the Scottish Union Building at 152 Macquarie Street. After this time the firm moved to 30 Davey Street, and then the Reserve Bank building before settling in the current location.

Photo: AMP Building, 1921, Mercury Historical Collection, Tasmanian Archive & Heritage Office

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