
Careers and pizza – a great way to spend a Friday

Posted on September 12th, 2024 by Jo Bailey

It was an afternoon of pizza and great conversation on Friday 30 August when we joined accounting students from the University of Tasmania to share some insights into the accounting profession and chat about career opportunities with WLF.

As an independent local firm, WLF has always had a strong relationship with UTAS, launching hundreds of graduate careers since UTAS was established. We’ve also been an active supporter and partner of the Tasmanian University Business and Economics Students society (TUBES).

We were delighted to join with TUBES for the on-campus Panel Discussion and Pizza session, and most impressed with the calibre of questions from students. The panel discussion was facilitated by Nicollette, TUBES President, and consisted of WLF Partner Dean Johnson, Business and Personal Advisory Manager James Day, and Ashlyn Vince, Manager in Audit, Assurance and Advisory.  

In addition to speaking about our graduate and undergraduate programs, the panellists provided some real-life examples of their personal career highlights; what they find most rewarding about their work; and what motivates them. 

To close the session off we had some networking and informal conversations while enjoying pizza. 

We received some fantastic feedback from TUBES about the event. Importantly, it was also a really valuable experience for our team to chat with students about their aspirations and what they are looking for as they embark on building their career. 



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Careers and pizza – a great way to spend a Friday

time to read: about 1 min